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1 in 4 people in England will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year (The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 2007). The more we talk about mental health the more we break down the stigma and create a safe place for people to speak out about how they are feeling. Mental health problems can affect individuals very differently and be completely invisible to others. Check in with your colleagues, family, and friends when you can and if you are struggling with your own mental health, I would encourage you to speak to someone close to you that you trust and remember that it is…
Tony Jones, CEO & Jasmin Bannister, Events & Communications Administrator - One Nucleus “Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter” The above quote by English writer Izaak Walton could have been crafted for those deciding on where to develop their career in Life Sciences. The East of England’s standing as one of the premier innovation ecosystems in the world is rarely, if ever, questioned. Generating a long history of great minds assembling to address global challenges, the creation of new companies and the magnetic effect to established corporate and financial means…
Hanna Beaumont FIRM, Director, Science Technology, Partners& Safety in the lab, working from home, employment law, contract disputes, Covid... company directors are now exposed to unprecedented liability for actions and decisions they make on behalf of their business.  This means direct exposure of the personal assets of your board members and key decision makers – including NEDs. Being a director or senior officer of a business comes with advantages – driving innovation and growth, creating a legacy, leading your people; but with great power comes great responsibility – and…
Tony Jones, Chief Executive Officer, One Nucleus When it comes to change, there is often a feeling of apprehension among those that it might impact the most. Yet as Douglas Baldwin pointed out “Change is inevitable, change will always happen, but you have to apply direction to change and that’s when it’s progress’. Perhaps, just like the Borg in Star Trek claimed: “Resistance is futile!”. Accepting change will happen in all aspects of life, then the challenge becomes one of adding direction for the result to be progress as opposed to just different. It is in the DNA of One Nucleus to embrace…
Tony Jones, Chief Executive Officer, One Nucleus As always, it is a privileged part of the month where I get to be in contact with the One Nucleus network by welcoming you to our eNews. There are a plethora of good news stories to choose from in the sector, many of which are posted by members to our website, LinkedIn and Twitter feeds where you can stay up to date. Below, I recap on some One Nucleus highlights from the last month and update you on some upcoming plans. Do you feel supported in the UK?It would have been hard for anyone in the UK Life Sciences to have escaped the media…
Guest blog by Charles Richmond, F-Institute For many entrepreneurs raising venture capital is an intimidating and exhaustive process. Statistically low success rates are usually no contributor to the fundamental optimism that raising capital requires. To add to that, the early stage scene is always known for its information-asymmetry between investors who are very clear on certain indicators and entrepreneurs for whom this is simply not daily business. Hence, for this blogpost we bundled some best practices and common mistakes that emerged from years of representing start- and scale-up…
Guest blog by Joanne Ward, Chief Operations Officer, NF2 Biosolutions UK I haven’t written a blog before but have shared my story in case it helps others along on their journey.  They say sharing your story of how you overcome things is someone else’s survival guide! So, my NF2 journey actually started 22 years ago, going a bit deaf and a bit clumsy, a trip to the doctors and neurologist and then given the news I have a 4.5cm vestibular schwannoma that really needed to come out and so emergency surgery was planned for 5 days later. That was my introduction to an incurable condition that…
What is a cytokine storm?  Cytokine Release Syndrome (CRS), otherwise known as cytokine storm, is a systemic inflammatory response caused by complications due to disease, infection or an adverse effect of biologic therapy. The clinical symptoms of a cytokine storm are massive release of a potent cocktail of pro-inflammatory cytokines into the general circulatory system, leading to severe multi-organ damage, failure or potentially death. This is an extremely unwanted immunotoxicological side effect in drug development. One of the best documented cases of pharmaceutical-related CRS is the…
With the majority of Live Events being put on hold for the foreseeable future, event organisers have had to rapidly adapt, often struggling to cultivate the same levels of engagement from their audiences as before. Because of this, making the most of the various digital platforms available to us is incredibly important. At Giggabox, we don’t just think of attendees of the online events we host as ‘spectators’ or ‘viewers’, but as actual ‘participants’ themselves. Getting all attendees to remain enthusiastic and interacting during online sessions is no easy feat, so here are some top tips and…
In the lead up to the annual One Nucleus ON Helix conference, which aims to bring together the network to discuss the main innovation and technology trends in healthcare research and development, we dedicated this ‘My Question Is…’ to addressing questions along the theme of Medicines Discovery in a Brave New World. Our ‘My Question Is…’ sessions have continued to serve to recreate the serendipitous meetings that our network have missed from face-to-face gatherings.  Groups are randomly allocated to different breakout rooms on Zoom and each group has a host who poses a question for…