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Isogenica Ltd

Isogenica partners with leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the early-stage discovery of novel biopharmaceuticals. . . Isogenica’s partners can access a range of innovative, highly-diverse, antibody libraries as an excellent starting point for new biotherapeutic development programmes.. . All the company’s libraries are fully synthetic, designed using state-of-the-art principles and built using the company’s highly precise Colibra oligonucletotide contruction technology. The combination of advanced design and accurate synthetic build technology minimises immunological biases, inevitable when using in vivo systems, and optimises the chances of generating high-affinity and developable drug candidates at the outset.. . The company’s proprietary antibody libraries are complemented with the option to use a proprietary in vitro antibody display system (CIS Display) which maintains the high diversity of the library through the discovery process. CIS Display is also available for licensing as a standalone technology.. . Isogenica currently has a range of camelid single domain antibody (VHH) libraries, and a range of human antibody fragment libraries. The company continues to innovate in the design and construction of new, advanced antibody libraries.