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Huge congratulations to the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC), the University of Leeds, Tianjin University, and AbbVie Inc. who recently won an Outstanding Manuscript Award from the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) for a published research paper in the scientific journal Pharmaceutical Research investigating AIDS drug Ritonavir – ‘Solid-State and Surface Structures of the Conformational Polymorphic Forms of Ritonavir in Relation to their Physicochemical Properties.’ 

Dr Jürgen Harter, CEO of CCDC said “This outstanding paper deserves the full recognition that the AAPS award provides – congratulations to all the scientists involved. We are pleased to have facilitated this scientific research by providing smart, high-quality data and insights from the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and the CSD Drug Subset.”

Read the full news article.

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