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Cambridge 12th June 2023: Babraham Research Campus Ltd (BRC), the organisation which oversees the development and day-to-day management of the Babraham Research Campus is delighted to welcome Charlie Foreman to the Board as non-executive director.

Charlie is currently a Senior Strategic Advisor at Cambridge University Health Partners (CUHP), developing the funding pillar of the Life Sciences Strategy. He is also a Senior Advisor at Lazard, the world’s largest independent investment bank, having first joined Lazard as a Managing Director in December 2009, responsible for European Capital Markets Advisory. Prior to joining Lazard, Charlie was a Managing Director at Deutsche Bank where he was Head of UK Corporate Broking and ECM and a Senior Corporate Finance Advisor. 

Charlie is also a Trustee and Director of the Institute of Cancer Research and a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Gulf Airlines Group. He received a BA from Durham University and MPhil in BioScience Enterprise from Cambridge University.

Charlie Foreman commented of his appointment: “I am thrilled to have been asked to join the Babraham Research Campus Board. The Campus is such an integral part of the Cambridge Cluster, a leader in its field, with a palpable can-do culture and connectivity on site which I haven’t experienced elsewhere – it’s an incredibly exciting place to be. 

“The Campus has an ambitious masterplan to deliver, which will enable it to continue to support the coalescence of innovative life science companies that choose to locate here. These companies want to get on and deliver results; our aim therefore must focus on ensuring that the Campus continues to evolve to keep pace with our community’s requirements, nurturing and supporting these ventures as they test their science and build and scale their companies. I am really excited to play my part in this next phase.”

Jo Parfrey, Chair, Babraham Research Campus Ltd Board added: “My fellow board members join me in welcoming Charlie, we are delighted that he is joining us. Charlie brings significant financial experience to the Board which will further enhance our capabilities,  together with his passion for the work we do on campus to support the growth and ambitions of the start-up and scale-up companies who chose the Babraham Research Campus as their home.” 

The Babraham Research Campus is unique in its co-location of world-leading academic research at the Babraham Institute alongside 60+ biotech organisations from start-up to scale-up. In addition, the first-class conference facilities available within the Cambridge Building, access to world class science capabilities and researchers, and communal laboratory space  - enabling interaction and connection - brings together a distinct breadth of expertise. These factors, in combination with the energy and pay-it-forward mindset of the researchers, entrepreneurs and CEOs based on Campus has helped create an ecosystem of know-how and altruism which makes it a fantastic place to create, build and grow a bioscience business. 

To find out more about the Babraham Research Campus and BRC Board please visit: 


Media Contact Information :

Sarah Brereton, Director, Limewash

Tel: 07796 583 223
