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         At our Genesis 2024 fringe event on 5 December, Aon’s Suzanne Courtney, Human Capital Industry Leader, Life Sciences, EMEA, together with Matt Robinson, Life Science Industry Leader and Keaton Hoffman, Partner, Life Sciences, EMEA, discussed the impact of the EU’s upcoming Pay Transparency Directive and the lessons we can learn from it. A major talent trend for the life sciences sector is the drive towards pay transparency. The EU's upcoming directive mandating pay equity, due to go live in June 2026, is a key force behind the target to reduce…
   What impact will new EU legislation have on pay transparency and ESG reporting? At Aon’s fringe event at Genesis 2024 in December, Aon’s Keaton Hoffman – Partner, Executive Compensation, Talent Solutions and Matthew Robinson – Life Science Industry Leader (Aon UK), explored the evolving role of environmental, social and governance (ESG) in executive incentives with the implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). European Life Science companies are busy getting to grips with the EU’s CSRD - a reporting structure that’s reshaping ESG practices,…
Case Study - by Alicia Gailliez, Business Development Manager How One Nucleus Helped Deliver a Successful Webinar Series for Domainex   Connecting and meeting with business partners, fellow innovators, and key advisers is a vital part of everyone’s endeavours. It enables knowledge exchange and onward contact for mutual and collective success. One Nucleus provides a range of opportunities designed to help our members raise their visibility and showcase their knowledge and innovative solutions to the biopharma industry. A great example that demonstrates the benefit of One Nucleus…
Mitigo, our cyber risk management partner, has launched an interactive guide to help you strengthen your cyber security. It debunks myths, shares technical security tips, and teaches you to spot phishing attacks. Begin your 2025 cyber resolutions – download the guide here.
Guest blog by RSM.  As life sciences businesses grow and evolve, so too does the complexity of their data and third-party access landscape. From startups to mid-sized enterprises, strong cyber security fundamentals are essential to protecting research and intellectual property, safeguarding investor funds and confidence, and ensuring long-term success. The evolving cyber threat landscape Cybercrime is an increasingly critical issue affecting all industries, as our most recent cyber security special report confirms. The life sciences industry, with its wealth of…
by Alicia Gailliez, Business Development Manager, One Nucleus Over the past 12 months, One Nucleus has organised 41 events in partnership with 48 sponsors and supporters. These regular sessions were complemented by our flagship events, Genesis, ON Helix and the One Nucleus Annual Awards Dinner. Looking ahead to 2025 Check out the upcoming opportunities to connect and engage with the vibrant One Nucleus community below. Upcoming Events and Training Courses One Nucleus Events 08 January | BioWednesday Social: One Nucleus Annual Awards Launch Event | Register 13 January | One Nucleus –…
by Tony Jones, CEO, One Nucleus Each calendar year, a significant proportion of the world’s life science dealmakers, and increasingly the corresponding service providers, head to San Francisco for the annual J P Morgan Week. A true melting pot of those seeking to invest, grow and operate in the life science sector. A very strong sense of having to be present to be seen to be in the game and stay up to date, with 13-16 January 2025 set to be no different among the dynamic geopolitical and investment landscapes. There is always a strong contingent that travel from the One Nucleus network.…
At One Nucleus, international connectivity is more than just a concept; it is at the core of what our members do and hence why we seek to complement that connectivity in how we support members. Whilst much of what One Nucleus delivers is done within the greater Cambridge-London region, our connectivity extends far beyond the UK. The connections can be through collaboration with peer industry membership groups such MassBio, Biocom California, LINK-J and collaborative members of the Council for European BioRegions (CEBR) or equally via our members who often have a presence…
By Tony Jones, CEO, One Nucleus Recent weeks have been filled with varying degrees of anticipation and apprehension with regards to what UK government would start crystallising from grand election campaign gestures to actual measures and policies. After what felt like a long run of warnings of doom to the finally delivered ‘Invest 2025: the UK’s modern industrial strategy’ and ‘Autumn Budget 2024’. There will be much written, both critical and positive, about both of the above articles I am sure where shaping the details of implementation becomes the key focus. There were a number of…
By Alicia Gailliez, Business Development Manager, One Nucleus The theory behind belonging to a group is multifaceted, spanning many theoretical frameworks, but essentially it is important because members of the group will experience personal fulfilment and shared purpose. Take one of the most well-known theories, for example, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, which suggests five key human needs that people must meet to achieve well-being, including ‘love and belonging’. This theory explains how belonging to a group and working towards a common goal can drive self-actualisation, the ability to…