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Colleagues from TTP will be supporting and attending this one-day matchmaking event - do not miss it.

Information from the organisers: Imperial College London, NIHR and the NHS

Less than 1% of proposed Biomarkers achieve clinical adoption and there is a wide gulf between those published in academic journals and those being translated onto scalable platforms that can be integrated into healthcare systems.

Earlier consideration of Biomarker platform should improve the efficiency and robustness of the research and enhance the likelihood
of the end product being clinically useful. This therefore creates an argument for industry and academia to link up earlier to improve
the quality of Biomarker research and ultimately improve success rates.

We believe that there are large number of platforms out there being developed by small to large companies which would be an excellent match for many Biomarker projects. The difficulty is how to link together the academics and these companies to see where goals and needs align.

We are holding a one-day matchmaking event at Imperial College London where in the morning senior Biomarker academics from
across London will present a short description of their research interests. This will be followed by short pitches from technology
companies covering their platforms or services.

The afternoon will then be free to link together researchers and industry representatives who could work together on current or
future projects.

We have considerable industry interest in this event already but are keen to make sure that the number of companies attending, types of platform, and size of companies being represented is balanced to maximise the chances of the meeting working for everyone. Therefore, if you are interested in attending, we are asking for a one-page summary of your company including the following information- Company name, number of employees, and brief description of your technologies and potential applications.

If you have any programmes already in place to work with academic institutes, we would be interested to hear about this separately.
Please email this to:

If successful we will offer you one slot to present your products and then the chance to bring up to 10 of your employees to facilitate the matchmaking in the afternoon. There will be a modest fee to cover the costs of the event.

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