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Guest blog post by Mitigo Cyber breaches are not acts of God. They are preventable, provided you have taken the right steps to protect your business from attack. The central theme of this article is that the only way to prove to yourself and your senior leadership team that you have put the right defences in place, is to obtain independent assurance. What is assurance? Assurance is the process by which you require an independent expert to give a professional opinion on a subject – in this case your cybersecurity measures. Because information that is business critical needs to be reliable.…
Guest blog by Sabrina Griffin, Region Market Development Manager, Life Sciences and Laboratory Products Group at Thermo Fisher Scientific Imagine a world where scientific education transcends the boundaries of traditional laboratories. Thanks to Thermo Fisher Scientific's groundbreaking initiative, the Immersive Lab, this vision is becoming a reality. In this blog, we'll dive into the immersive and transformative experiences offered by the Immersive Lab that are reshaping the way we learn in the scientific realm. Embrace a New Learning Experience: Step into a virtual realm where the…
Guest blog by Guy Kaddish, Bidwells Planning Partner The importance of fostering inclusive growth in Cambridge as the life sciences sector continues to enjoy stratospheric success was debated at a recent Bidwells event joined by Bidwells Planning Partner Guy Kaddish. Here are Guy’s three big key takeaways. Getting two of Cambridge's leading politicians into the room together to discuss with the real estate sector some of the biggest challenges facing our city was a rare and welcome opportunity. We made the most of it and the discussion was open and constructive and hopefully, everybody…
Guest blog post by RSM  What are the key business risks in healthcare and life sciences? The need for healthcare and life sciences organisations to enhance their risk management arrangements is more essential than ever. Combined pressures in a post-pandemic environment, including increased cyber-attacks, the legislative and operational complexities following Brexit and changing regulatory frameworks, have seen the role of risk management change in recent years. Risks within the healthcare and life sciences industries are wide ranging and evolving. In this article, we explore the…