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By Alicia Gailliez, Business Development Manager, One Nucleus CRISPR is short for “clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats”. An article from The Jackson Laboratory on ‘What is CRISPR’ describes how the term makes reference to the repetitive pattern of DNA and “spacer” sequences in bacteria. It was discovered that bacteria transcribe these DNA elements to RNA upon viral infection. The RNA guides a nuclease (a protein that cleaves DNA) to the viral DNA to cut it, providing protection against the virus. The nucleases are named “Cas,” for “CRISPR-associated.”  This concept…
By Tony Jones, CEO, One Nucleus Building on the development of the Bridge to Boston activities commenced at the One Nucleus Breakfast at BIO 2023 hosted by McDermott Will & Emery, followed by the Boston Bootcamp in April this year and the Breakfast at BIO 2024 with Mintz; One Nucleus continues to explore the opportunities to support the international investment, collaboration, and outsourcing deal flow needs of our members. Of course, the starting point for such support is the day-to-day support we offer our members locally in order to facilitate them being the best versions of themselves…