Compared to the highs of investment seen by the sector over the past couple of years, it has felt a much harsher environment in which to raise capital in 2022. The huge reduction in number and value of IPOs onto Nasdaq; the vast majority of biotechs listing post-Covid trading down and a drop in private capital investment, particularly in later rounds have created a gloomy feel in many quarters.
Despite this however, there have been many success stories, funding rounds secured, start-ups formed and deals done. Investment levels are not out of keeping with the steady trajectory pre-pandemic. Perhaps it is just a natural correction from a particularly hot 2020/21 that is happening.
There seems to be an acceptance that a correction was needed, although that does not ease the pain if you are one of the companies caught in the damage. Will we see the anticipated uptick in Pharma M&A activity as the biotech company runways run short? Will the IPO window open in 2023? What impact will key political decisions such as the Inflation Reduction Act and curbed public sector budgets everywhere have?
Many questions to be debated by our keynote panel looking at how our innovative dealmakers will ride out the cycle.
To share your thoughts on how the right deals can be built to ensure those developing innovative medicines and technologies are able to secure the capital to translate their innovation into patient benefit, register now for Genesis 2022.