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Our My Question is….Networking Lunches are gaining momentum now and one might say an adept way of keeping in touch as we come to the end of a cold, locked down January.  Once again, our network was primed with a variety of questions across different topics that they were keen to debate.  Over 30 delegates joined our virtual networking session looking to meet and catch up with others informally and for perhaps a learning experience too.  Five breakout rooms and five questions later, here is what came out of the discussions: Question one submitted by Kathryn Simpson; Kathryn…
How will the loss of in-person laboratory teaching impact job prospects? As a follow up to our recent poll asking if the current undergraduates who are losing in-person laboratory teaching will be disadvantaged in securing future jobs. The results can be summarised as:             No surprise perhaps that the overwhelming majority (84% where n=230) felt the answer was yes and in ‘normal’ situations the consequence should be avoided. We are not in normal times, of course, so how to balance the need to contain the spread of a virus with in-person teaching needs is…
Our second ‘My Question is…Networking Lunch’ saw another round of enticing questions submitted by the One Nucleus community.  Six questions were chosen from those submitted and then the individuals who submitted the questions hosted a small breakout group to discuss that question.  40 delegates joined the virtual networking meeting on Monday 30 November 2020.  The discussions were an opportunity for attendees to engage with others in their group, whilst sharing their expertise or perhaps using it to learn more about the topic being debated. The first question submitted by Mike…
The JP Morgan (JPM) Conference, a staple of the life science sector and one of biotech’s biggest conferences, will be going virtual in January 2021 which has become something of a norm for events under Covid-19.  One Nucleus has also been running its own BioWednesdays virtually and our first session of 2021 drew together a panel of experienced JPM Conference attendees to look at what to expect from a virtual JPM Week and what they would like to see for the future. The panel was knowledgably chaired by Melanie Toyne-Sewell, Managing Partner, Instinctif Partners - Life Sciences.  The…
The lunchtime panel discussion at Genesis Digital 2020 will discuss the question ‘Has Covid-19 make it easier or harder to create a biotech company?' In advance of this, science writer Dr Clare Sansom caught up with one of the panellists, Dr Anne Lane. Dr Lane is CEO of UCL’s commercialisation company, UCLB. Q. How has COVID-19 changed the way that UCLB operates? What has been hardest, and has anything been easier? A. Surprisingly little has actually changed. Our work is progressing quite smoothly even though we are all working from home. We all miss informal interactions with our academics…
The Marketing Science Podcast is a series of podcasts for sales and marketing professionals working in Science, Engineering and Healthcare. On this episode, Tony Jones, joined AZoNetwork to share insights and experience from his time as CEO of One Nucleus. Below is an adapted transcript from the podcast, which you can listen to here.  Can you take us through your career journey from being a PhD in biochemistry to becoming the CEO of one of the largest life science networks in the U.K? I originally trained as a scientist and I was working in cancer research. Over the course of my…
Online gatherings are a bit like marmite, and it is fair to say they have the life science community divided.  However, during uncertain times when face-to-face networking is not possible, there is the option to move online or cancel altogether.  ‘My Question is…’ was the title for an online networking event that One Nucleus held on 26 October 2020.  You could say, to some extent, it was experimental, but based on feedback from our members about the aspects that they missed or welcomed most about online meetings compared to face-to-face.  The results were unsurprising, and…
    Introduction: On the 1st July 2020, the UK Government published its UK Research and Development Roadmap that reaffirmed their commitment to increasing UK investment in R&D to 2.4% of GDP by 2027 and to increase public funding for R&D to £22 billion per year by 2024/25. Deploying such investment to ensure the UK remains a powerhouse of innovation and improving the health, wellbeing and prosperity of UK citizens. Grand aspirations but the Roadmap set out challenges that must be faced to deliver those outcomes. Among these, was posing of the questions “…
The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown everything into flux. Communications and marketing have been no exception. With both staff and customers being largely remote, conferences and events disrupted, and a growing sense of product apathy among the public, companies have a serious communications hurdle to overcome. Many companies have seen this as an opportunity to update their websites and refocus their communications, both internal and external. As advertising and marketing budgets are down for almost everyone, organisations are turning to low cost ways to promote themselves, such as social media…
When delegates returned from the 38th annual JP Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Diego in mid-January this year, few can have imagined just how fast, and how dramatically, the biotech industry was about to change. Fewer than 10,000 cases of COVID-19 had been reported to the WHO by the end of that month, and few, other than infectious disease specialists, were taking very much notice of those reports. Dave Mead, director of a biotech company based near Cambridge, Isogenica,  and a delegate at the JP Morgan event, remembers the abruptness of the change. “By early February we in…