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Dear Friends, Colleagues and Supporters of NHS staff,

We are seeking donations to the Cambridge China COVID-19 Collaboration (4C) Appeal which is an official part of the University of Cambridge COVID-19 appeal.

This appeal is led by two doctors and University of Cambridge Professors, Toni Vidal Puig and  Sadaf Farooqi. Our aim is to ensure that high-grade Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is available for health and social care professionals, caring for patients with COVID-19 in Cambridge and the East of England. We want to guarantee the safety and protection of our staff on the frontline, so they can focus entirely on what they do best - caring for patients.

This is an urgent problem. The peak of the epidemic is expected within 2 weeks. The number of patients infected with COVID-19 will remain high for at least 3-4 months.  

We have several initiatives. We are working with UK companies to develop high-grade masks and plastic visors. Alongside this, University of Cambridge engineers, biomedical scientists and clinicians are working with their counterparts in Nanjing, China, to ensure we get the right high quality PPE that is approved for use in the NHS. Chinese entrepreneurs with links to Cambridge and local companies are providing air-freight and logistics support.

These are challenging times globally. There is tremendous competition for high-grade masks in particular, with demand far outstripping supply. Liquidity is needed to pay suppliers upfront.

We are urgently seeking your support - our first target is £5 Million.

You can make a donation using our Just Giving Page

Or through the University’s Philanthropic donations website

What will we do with your money?

£150 buys the FFP3 respirator masks needed to care for 1 Intensive Care patient for 1 day.
£1,000 buys 100 pairs of scrubs for staff to wear when working with patients with COVID-19.

Please forward this information to others who may be in a position to help.

Follow us on social media:
Twitter - @4C_PPE (
Facebook - 4CPPE (
Instagram - @4CPPE (

On behalf of our colleagues in the NHS, we thank you for your support and generosity.

Sadaf Farooqi, Toni Vidal Puig, Angela Single

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