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PRINCETON, NJ – Dec. 5, 2018 – Certara®, the global leader in model-informed drug development, regulatory science, real-world evidence and market access, today announced the launch of its BaseCase Toolkits, an add-on to BaseCase Interactive which helps pharmaceutical and medical device field representatives better manage and utilize their resources for use during customer presentations. BaseCase Toolkits allows interactive tools – such as mobile apps – to be bundled together with other assets – such as product safety and efficacy data, and marketing assets – into user-friendly, highly-searchable, branded packages that can be easily maintained and updated from a central location. BaseCase mobile apps allow field representatives to connect live to mathematical models and algorithms, and provide answers to complex questions on site.   

“It is more important than ever that pharmaceutical and medical device field staff are able to convey in a clear and compelling fashion the value that their products deliver to patients and payers. BaseCase Toolkits allows those field representatives to optimize every customer engagement by ensuring that they always have the latest data, graphics and messaging in their presentations and are fully compliant with local health authority regulations,” said Thomas Kerbusch, PhD, president of Certara Strategic Consulting Services. “Toolkits can be easily shared with customers in a single action, enabling comprehensive and efficient follow up after the meeting.”

“Toolkits are easy to maintain. All the content can be updated from a single, central location and any edits can be pushed to all the users in the field simultaneously. This approach maximizes efficiency, while minimizing the risk of human error. As the toolkits always sync to the most recently published version of the content when the user is next online that helps to reduce compliance risk,” added Gijs Hubben, PhD, BaseCase managing director. 

Toolkits, can contain PDFs, slide decks, spreadsheets, videos, and other assets and can be used for a broad range of purposes. For example, they can serve as an evidence repository, allowing all of the clinical evidence for a specific product to be bundled together. They make excellent market access portfolios, allowing value communication tools, such as interactive visual aids, eDetailing aids, and interactive value story presentations, economic models, and objection handlers, including pre-launch engagement tools and marketing feedback tools, to be neatly packaged together in one place. 

They can be employed to create global value dossiers, enabling staff at global companies to search content by value message and accelerate local dossier submissions. In addition, they are tailor made for use as product toolkits, providing a single, corporate branded, access point to all of a product’s marketing assets.

BaseCase Toolkits offers both full text and category-based search functions, allowing field representatives to find relevant content quickly. The toolkits have an intuitive folder-based hierarchy, which enables easy browsing. Content can be located by title, description or text within a document. Results can be filtered further using tags associated with each resource. These comprehensive search capabilities allow representatives to prepare efficiently before their meetings and be more responsive during them.  

Founded in 2007, and acquired by Certara in January 2018, BaseCase is a software as a service (SaaS) and value communication company that has been developing interactive mobile apps for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries for more than a decade.

About Certara
Certara enables superior drug development and patient care decision-making through model-informed drug development, regulatory science, real-world evidence solutions and knowledge integration. As a result, it optimizes R&D productivity, commercial value and patient outcomes. Its clients include hundreds of global biopharmaceutical companies, leading academic institutions, and key regulatory agencies across 60 countries. For more information, visit

Media Contact Information :

Lisa Osborne
Founder and CEO 
Phone: (206) 992-5245