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During this webinar, Stephan Fath of Thermo Fisher Scientific will discuss a comprehensive workflow solution for a digital gene sequence to a purified protein and will discuss the most efficient way to exploit this process to maximise performance and accelerate discovery, e.g. for vaccine development.  Erik Willems will then present an overview of Thermo Fishers’ cell engineering service capabilities that can be leveraged to accelerate the development of disease relevant models to support your drug discovery and development pipelines.  Both presentations will be followed by a Q & A session to help answer your own research questions.



3pm - Dr Stephan Fath, Manager Formulation Manufacturing, Regensburg, Gene to Protein: Highly Advanced Expression Systems with Optimized Genes

4pm - Dr Erik Willems, Senior Manager R&D Cell Biology, Leveraging Cell Engineering service to build better models for faster, more cost-effective research


Attendance:  Free and open to all


This webinar is part of a two-part series. To continue the discussion, please register for the session on 14 May here



Phone: 01223 896450
Phone: 01223 896456

Innovation Webinar: Enabling Technologies and Services for Drug Discovery and Development Part 1

You CANNOT complete an online booking for colleagues for this event. Wednesday 13 May, 15:00-17:00
13 May 2020 15:00
Belgium Embassy, 17, Grosvenor Crescent
London, SW1X 7EE
United Kingdom