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Following on from a successful collaborative event between One Nucleus and Medilink Midlands on Collaborating to Support Biotech and Med Tech Businesses Across Our Neighbouring Regions we are continuing our collaboration with a dedicated My Question Is…Networking Lunch.  The goal is to keep the dialogue going and to continue amplifying support across the wider region that our respective networks cover, whilst asking the right questions that can help to identify key areas of support.


As with all our My Question Is…Networking Lunches, we will be selecting questions posed by our network and once selected those individuals will host a breakout room of six people to discuss that question, feeding back towards the end of the session.  All welcome to join!


We welcome your suggestion for questions. To submit a question, please email




13.00 Arrive and welcome


13.10 Move to breakout rooms

Questions selected so far include:
Question 1: What can we do to interest more investors in the medtech sector? [Alasdair Gaw, Project Leader Innovation, Medilink East Midlands]
Question 2: What approaches are there for engaging more international trade?
 [Richard Carey-Evans, Senior Innovation Advisor, St John's Innovation Centre Ltd]
Question 3: Why is there a no one-size-fits-all for medtech IP? [Christopher Mason, Senior Associate, Appleyard Lees]
Question 4: What attributes are required for successful companies in the medtech space? [Alex Lloyd, Principal Advisor - Commercial Delivery Lead, Eastern AHSN]


13.40 Breakout rooms close and feedback session


14.00 Close

Free to attend and open to all



Phone: 01223 896450
Phone: 01223 896456

My Question Is…Networking Lunch: What do Med Tech Companies Need to Thrive?

Tuesday 25 May 2021 13:00 - 14:00
25 May 2021 13:00
ONLINE - webinar details will be sent to all delegates closer to the date of the event
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire
United Kingdom