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***Registration for this event is now closed if you would like to register please contact


With sustained success of any Life Science cluster in a rapidly changing industry comes growth and increased demand on all resource types including talent, investment and real estate.  Attract more or diversify geographically becomes the choice. The panel will discuss what are the key factors necessary to attract the required mix of key elements that enable scaling of great science and innovation into social and economic returns in 2022 and beyond?




17:00 - Arrival and registration for those attending in-person

17:15 - Live stream starts



Tony Jones, CEO, One Nucleus (Moderator)

Edward Agne, President, Communications Strategy Group Inc

Horst Domdey, Managing Director, BioM Biotech Cluster Development GmbH

Rosemarie Truman, Founder and CEO, the Center for Advancing Innovation Inc

Colleen O’Connor, Vice President, Leasing, East Coast and U.K. Markets, BioMed Realty
Emma Sceats, SVP, Sales, Service and BD, Abcam


18:00 - In-person networking at each hub


19:00 - Close


Decentralised Hubs


There will be two ways of attending this event.


For this event we are adopting a decentralised approach where registered attendees can elect to engage in the live and interactive streamed panel discussion by joining individually online or gathering with others at one of the physical hubs and network in-person following the panel discussion.


Sign up now and we will be in touch with you post registration to confirm your preference for attendance between:


Dial in remotely online
Norwich Research Park (Norwich)

Queen Mary Enterprise Zone (London)

Discovery Park (Sandwich)


This event is being planned as a face to face event at the locations named above and dates/times shown.  If Covid-19 restrictions require, then it will be held as a virtual event online on 2 February 2022.  When booking a place for this event, you are accepting either format.  In all other respects, our normal terms and conditions apply.




One Nucleus members: Free

Non-Members: £50 + VAT

Academics: please contact



BioWednesday Webinar: Science, People, Infrastructure and Geography – Where is Diversity Most Important to Scaling Life Science Innovation

17:00 - 19:00 Wednesday 2 February 2022
2 February 2022 17:00
United Kingdom