Presentation Skills for Scientists

10:00 - 17:30 Thursday 23 May 2024

Presentation Skills for Scientists


Junior research scientists (all disciplines) from academia and industry, particularly those starting to present their work at conferences and seminars. It is also useful for scientists who want to present technical material to companies or investors.


A one day course.


To help delegates to identify their strengths and weaknesses in presenting a scientific talk, both in verbal delivery and in the organisation of visual material.
To provide detailed guidance on both of the above aspects of scientific presentation so that delegates can use this for their own professional development.


The one day course, unlike many presentation skills courses, is designed specifically for the practising scientist. We cover all aspects of verbal scientific communication, asking delegates to present their own research in a conference format prompting feedback on style and content. Because of our expertise in both science and communication skills, we help to solve common problems (such as nervousness and voice control), as well as those unique to scientists presenting the results of their research.

The day begins with practical instruction on key topics associated with slide content and the process of verbal delivery. Each delegate is then asked to deliver a short scientific presentation with digital slides and to answer questions. The whole process is filmed and played back to highlight positive aspects of delivery style and talk content, as well as to identify areas that require improvement.

We usually recommend that a maximum of ten delegates attend each session to ensure that each individual gets as much attention as possible. The trainers Ed Zanders and Lindsay MacLeod have written Presentation Skills for Scientists - a Practical Guide which delegates will receive at the end of their course.


Gold members: £392 + VAT
Silver members: £476 + VAT
Non-members: £560 + VAT


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May 23rd, 2024 from 10:00 AM to  5:30 PM
The London Bioscience Innovation Centre (LBIC)
2 Royal College Street
London, London NW1 0NH
United Kingdom
Phone: 01223 896450
Phone: 01223 896456