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AMSBIO announces XerumFree™ - a new concept in cell culture that allows you to culture cells without the use of serum.

XerumFree™ has been developed taking into account what is missing in traditional basal cell culture media to sustain growth of all cell types, which is a nutritional approach at the cellular level. 

Containing no animal or human derived material, XerumFree™ is a serum replacement for all cell culture practices that is chemically defined thereby avoiding lot-to-lot variations and eliminating the need for testing new batches of serum. Since XerumFree™ does not contain hormones, cytokines or unknown serum compounds it cannot bias your research data. Further as XerumFree is animal vesicle free, it is an ideal cell culture medium for exosome research.

XerumFree™ has been designed to be easy to use, simply add it to your culture medium as you would do with fetal bovine serum (FBS). Examples of cells, which have successfully been cultured on XerumFree enriched medium include Liver epithelial cells, HaCaT, Primary human hepatocytes, Hybridoma, VERO, HEK293, CHO, HEP G2, HeLa and Human keratinocytes.

For further information please visit or contact AMSBIO on +44-1235-828200 / +1-617-945-5033 /

Media Contact Information :

Dr Bill Bradbury