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This course will give insights into, and practical experience in, data visualisation for exploring complex and multi-dimensional biological data.

Biological and life sciences data often consists of multiple dimensions: a combination of numerical values, ordered data, categories, and time-series. To make sense of this data, simple plots like scatterplots, barcharts, and boxplots are often not enough. Still, visualisation is critical in gaining deep insight into the data. This is why many custom visualisations originated in the biological field.

In this course, we will dive into the topic of visualisation of complex biological data and how it can be used to gain insight into and get a "feel" for a dataset, so that targeted analyses can be defined. It will be delivered through a mixture of lectures and workshop sessions, and will provide hands-on experience in developing visualisations. The course will focus on working with omics (e.g. genomics, transcriptomics) data rather than e.g. imaging data.

Who is this course for?

This course is targeted at biologists and bioinformaticians who wish to explore their own complex data to gain insights and develop new hypotheses, as well as those who aim to effectively communicate their findings using visualisation, whether in publications, at conferences, or through data exploration tools designed for others.

Prior programming experience is not strictly required but would be beneficial.

Applicants will be asked to provide detail on their level of programming ability and knowledge of visualisation tools as part of the application process. Applications will be considered based on several factors, including (but not limited to) the multiplication effect of the applicant following the course (i.e. what impact would it have to their environment), a diversity of fields that are represented, and availability of data.

Some pre-reading and exercises will be sent out to successful applicants prior to the course.

We recommend these free tutorials:

Introduction to the Unix environment –
Introduction to R –
Introduction to Python –

After the course you should be able to:

- Apply theories of perception and cognition
- Identify frameworks to comprehend data visualisation
- Explain the concepts of visual design process
- Implement visualisations with Svelte

During this course you will learn about:

-I mage perception
- How to visualise data in the best possible way
- User experience for data visualisation
- How to use visualisation of complex biological data to get insight into a dataset

Venue and Location Information:
Wellcome Genome Campus
CB10 1SA