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Isomerase is a synthetic biology and bioprocess innovation partner helping companies develop new products or processes through harnessing bacteria and fungi to discover and produce native or novel molecules sustainably, cost effectively and at scale. We engineer microbial strains, develop then improve production processes using upstream and downstream process development at our bioprocess facility and help partners tech transfer their process to scale. The three main products we work on are:
(1) Natural Products - we help partners to access and work with rare and hard-to-source natural products and producing strains, to produce novel analogues of microbial natural products and to scale-up their production.
(2) Recombinant Peptides – working in E. coli or Pichia we can develop scalable manufacturing processes designed to compete economically with synthetic processes, especially at scale.
(3) Biocatalytic Enzymes - we support the discovery and production of microbial enzymes for manufacture in our proprietary E. coli or Pichia systems and help to produce them at laboratory and pilot scale, to generate robust processes for their production and to tech transfer these processes to CDMOs enabling phase-appropriate larger scale manufacture.
Isomerase operates B2B with companies wanting to benefit from our microbial expertise to generate value in their products and progress their processes toward commercialisation. Isomerase has worked with companies throughout Europe and North America, ranging in size from two-person virtual operations to multinational companies serving a range of industries including pharmaceutical, diagnostic, agritech, consumer goods and functional materials.