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DIVERSA is your One Nucleus member expert in drug delivery systems and pharmaceutical technology. DIVERSA is a spin-off of the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) and the Servizo Galego de Saúde (SERGAS) established in January 2022. We have a global vocation to enable innovative therapies get to the clinic and the patients.

In line with its internationalization efforts, DIVERSA has been selected under the ICEX NEXT program on a competitive basis amongst more than 150 Spanish SMEs. There are two main reasons, we have been granted this chance:

1. DIVERSA meets the requirements needed: we are a technology-based startup that has its own brand and products.
2. At DIVERSA we have the vocation to consolidate our presence in foreign markets.

Having signed the acceptance contract on July 29, our next goal is to explore the UK market, being the UK the closest non-EU market, with the advantages of less complicated logistics to deliver our products and not having a huge time difference. We are actually seeking distributors for the UK, to further reduce the logistics headaches and better serve UK customers with ou rinnovative solutions.

The UK is a global key market with huge public and private funding opportunities. As a way to develop visibility and brand awareness, and meet our first customers we have attended some events: ON Helix (July 7, Cambridge), BioForward (September 27, virtually) and now ELRIG Drug Discovery 2022 (October 4-5, London).

If you want to meet us in person and discover our drug delivery solutions, come by to ExCel London conference center in Greenwich, near the London City Airport. We invite other One Nucleus members and everyone to visit us at booth F15. Cheers!

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