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AMSBIO reports on the positive customer feedback received for their One-Step Luciferase Assay kit recently introduced for quantitation of firefly luciferase activity in mammalian cell culture.

Dr Maja Petkovic, Custom Services Business Unit Manager at AMSBIO said "Initial uptake of this new kit has been strong particularly for high throughput screening applications.  Our customers have appreciated that the kit offers not just high sensitivity but also the convenience of a homogeneous, single step protocol. In a recent study, researchers at Excellerate Bioscience ( were able to quantify agonist and antagonist in vitro pharmacological parameters in a luciferase reporter gene assay using our One-Step Luciferase assay system”.

Luciferase is the general term given to a class of oxidative enzymes that catalyze reactions that give off bioluminescent light. Biological researchers can take advantage of this reaction and use it as a readout for processes where a promoter region from a gene of interest is placed immediately upstream of the coding sequence for luciferase.

The One-Step Luciferase Assay kit combines proprietary reagent buffer and reagent substrate components to form a working solution that contains all the necessary components for simple cell lysis and luciferase quantitation. Designed for flexibility - the kit works well with a variety of common media, delivers a signal output that is stable for more than two hours and does not require a luminometer with injectors.

For further information please visit or contact AMSBIO on +44-1235-828200 / +1-617-945-5033 /

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