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Case Study - by Alicia Gailliez, Business Development Manager

How One Nucleus Helped Deliver a Successful Webinar Series for Domainex


Connecting and meeting with business partners, fellow innovators, and key advisers is a vital part of everyone’s endeavours. It enables knowledge exchange and onward contact for mutual and collective success. One Nucleus provides a range of opportunities designed to help our members raise their visibility and showcase their knowledge and innovative solutions to the biopharma industry.

A great example that demonstrates the benefit of One Nucleus in reaching a target audience was the collaboration with Domainex on their 2024 webinar series. This case study explores the journey of this collaboration, from initial planning to delivery of four successful webinars.

The goals of the collaboration included:

  • To communicate Domainex’s value proposition to key connections
  • To maximise engagement in the webinar series
  • To deliver the series cost-effectively in order to maximise the budgetary benefit to Domainex
  • Create a record of the series for post-series dissemination.

Highlighting this project, we demonstrate how the support One Nucleus provides to members can work in practice, not just in theory. Helping Domainex communicate their expertise and value proposition to their key audience is a model of practical support equally applicable to other One Nucleus members.

The Vision

In mid-July 2024, Domainex approached One Nucleus with an exciting plan: to host a series of four webinars addressing the following key topics in drug discovery:

  • Drug to Biologic (D2B)
  • Membrane Proteins
  • Biophysics
  • Covalency

Their goal was to engage biotech companies that could benefit from the Domainex expertise, proprietary technologies, and services through the delivery of high-quality content to an engaged audience. Domainex sought the support of One Nucleus, as an impartial connector of excellence in Life Sciences R&D, to reach the maximum relevant audience, thereby targeting their valuable insights directly to potential collaborators and clients. Playing to each of One Nucleus and Domainex’s strengths in promotion and drug discovery science, respectively, allowed each party to focus on what they do best.

Planning and Preparation

The collaboration framework was created at the kick-off meeting where delivery timelines were established and agreement of each party’s role and responsibilities around logistics, content creation, promotion, and delegate onboarding.  Clarity at the outset, of course, is key to any project. In terms of the requirements in each aspect, One Nucleus delivered the logistic mechanisms in establishing the event marketing and registration facilities, whilst Domainex delivered the key collateral detail in the form of webinar titles, concise content descriptions, and keynote speaker names.

By mid-September, a structured promotional plan and logistics strategy were in place. By 20 September, the webinar schedule was signed off as below, and all four webinars were under active promotion, which included:

  • Listing on the One Nucleus website which received 15k visitors per month Featuring in the One Nucleus monthly e-Newsletter (circulation of ~10,000)
  • Promotion via the One Nucleus social media channels LinkedIn with 9345 group members and X with 7200 followers)
  • Collaborating with the Domainex PR advisers and One Nucleus Partners, Sciad Communications to amplify the webinars’ visibility through a blog ‘How Can You Stay One Step Ahead in the Ever More Competitive Drug Discovery Space?’
  • Direct promotion by Domainex to their established contacts and through their social media channels.

The Domainex 2024 Webinar Series

Execution & Delivery

Each webinar had a pre-event lead-up process to ensure smooth delivery and an engaging attendee experience:

  • Pre-session: A week ahead of each session, logistical plans such as backup slides and seed questions were agreed upon between the parties.
  • During the session: One Nucleus provided the online platform to deliver the webinar, managing delegate entry, presentation change-overs, and recording of the sessions for future use.
  • Post-session follow-up: After a thank you email communication from Domainex, the recordings were shared with attendees promptly, enabling Domainex to engage further with attendees who expressed a particular interest. The early session follow-up was utilised to promote the next webinar in the series.
  • Later Post-session follow-up: Upon completion of the series, One Nucleus emailed all attendees, reiterating the recordings being available and sharing contact details of Domainex staff willing to have further discussions.

The Outcome: A Collaborative Success

Reflecting on the goals of the collaboration set out above and thanks to shared efforts, the webinar series was a resounding success with over 200 delegates signed up to join live and receive the recording across all four webinars. You can catch up on the recordings on the One Nucleus YouTube channel.

Domainex commented:

One Nucleus hosted a series of webinars for us last year. We were very pleased with how smoothly they ran and with the support we received. Alicia took the time to explain how everything would work and did an excellent job as host. The webinars were well attended with lots of insightful discussion during the Q&A session afterwards.

Will You be Next to Share Your Value Proposition?

Are you looking to ensure your key audience is fully aware of your expertise, services, or collaboration opportunities? As set out above, with planning, you too could run a webinar, an in-person event, or series by working with One Nucleus. A professional and cost-effective mechanism to get the word out about why everyone should be talking to you and colleagues.

If this is you, please contact today to see how One Nucleus can collaborate with you to achieve your objectives.