30 May 2019 - Cambridge UK:
Both One Nucleus and SLAS share a desire to facilitate greater knowledge-sharing, collaboration, connectivity and technology advancement among their respective memberships. The content of One Nucleus and SLAS training courses and events is felt to be very complementary rather than competitive and hence both are keen to collaborate to raise awareness of and engagement in the other’s activities within their own membership groups.
“SLAS is pleased to collaborate with the UK’s One Nucleus to promote and incentivise our members’ participation in what are very complementary educational initiatives and events,” says SLAS CEO Vicki Loise. “By expanding access to our respective events and resources, SLAS and One Nucleus members gain valuable opportunities to expand their knowledge and tools to do their jobs better.” SLAS hosts two annual conferences – one in the U.S. and one in Europe – four topical symposia, and launched APPLIED, an online education platform in March 2019.
Tony Jones, CEO of One Nucleus expands further ‘Collaboration is in the DNA of Life Science companies as they partner and outsource in order to progress innovative treatments. It is important that membership groups collaborate to connect their respective networks in order to maximise the shared-learning available. Our collaboration with SLAS offers our members access to their knowledge base, connectivity and training at discounted rates to facilitate interaction and progress across our two complimentary foci in the sector.'
Read the full press release here.
Tony Jones, CEO
Email: Tony@onenucleus.com
Tel: +44 (0)1223 896463
Web: www.onenucleus.com
Vicki Loise, CEO
Email: vloise@slas.org
Web: www.slas.org / www.slaseurope2019.org