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The EZ PREP efficiently isolate highly purified peripheral blood mononuclear cells from AMSBIO is designed to efficiently isolate highly purified peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from fresh whole blood products by density gradient centrifugation.

The unique EZ PREP tube design provides greater visibility of your target cell population, allowing you to maximise your recovery of mononuclear cells. As a result, PBMCs are immediately available for downstream applications such as flow cytometry, culture, and/or DNA/RNA isolation.

By making targeting and removal of red blood cells, platelets and unwanted cells a straightforward and reliable process, the EZ PREP kit conveniently takes the guesswork out of your PBMC isolation.

Each kit contains enough reagents and tubes to isolate PBMCs from over 100 millilitres of whole blood or to conveniently isolate from as little as 1 tube of blood.

For further information on the EZ PREP Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Isolation Kit please visit or contact the company now on +44-1235-828200 / +1-617-945-5033 /

Founded in 1987, AMS Biotechnology (AMSBIO) is recognized today as a leading transatlantic company contributing to the acceleration of discovery through the provision of cutting-edge life science technology, products and services for research and development in the medical, nutrition, cosmetics and energy industries. AMSBIO has in-depth expertise in extracellular matrices to provide elegant solutions for studying cell motility, migration, invasion and proliferation. This expertise in cell culture and the ECM allows AMSBIO to partner with clients in tailoring cell systems to enhance organoid and spheroid screening outcomes using a variety of 3D culture systems, including organ-on-a-chip microfluidics. 

For drug discovery research, AMSBIO offers assays, recombinant proteins and cell lines. Drawing upon a huge and comprehensive biorepository, AMSBIO is widely recognised as a leading provider of high-quality tissue specimens (including custom procurement) from both human and animal tissues. The company provides unique clinical grade products for stem cell and cell therapy applications these include high quality solutions for viral delivery (lentivirus, adenovirus and adeno-associated virus) in addition to GMP cryopreservation technology.

Media Contact Information :

Dr Bill Bradbury