
Cambridge and London, UK: 14 September 2021

Leading pharmaceutical and biotech product development consultancy Boyds has announced the opening of its US office in the Philadelphia area and welcomes Katy Rudnick who is appointed Vice President and Head of US Regulatory Affairs to head up the newly established US company.

Cambridge, UK, 9 September 2021. Arecor Therapeutics plc (AIM: AREC), the biopharmaceutical group advancing today’s therapies to enable healthier lives, today announces U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance of the Group’s Investigational New Drug (IND) application for AT247, the Group’s proprietary wholly owned ultra-rapid insulin for the treatment of diabetes.

In this trial of preliminary issues, Zacaroli J held that when assessing the damages payable to multiple claimants under cross-undertakings given in respect of various interim injunctions and orders (and for unjustified threats of patent infringement), a single set of counterfactual assumptions should apply to all inquiry claimants, where those claimants operate in the same, largely finite, market. The decision is the latest in a long line of judgments concerning Pfizer’s pregabalin product, Lyrica®.

Cambridge, UK, 07 September 2021– Arecor Therapeutics plc, the biopharmaceutical group which is advancing today’s therapies to enable healthier lives, today announces that it has signed a formulation agreement with Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd (“Intas”). 

NORWICH, UK – 07 September 2021: Leaf Expression Systems (Leaf), a biotechnology company specialising in plant-based expression, today announced the launch of SupraVecTM, Leaf’s new proprietary vector-based expression technology for the rapid production of proteins, vaccines and complex biomolecules within the leaf tissue of plants.

Today marks the official opening of our operations in Dublin, and our 29th office worldwide.

Plans to open in Ireland were announced earlier this year with the appointment of the firm's latest partner hires.

Opening in Dublin presents new opportunities for clients including large organisations, start-ups, investors and entrepreneurs across Europe and the US, especially in life sciences and healthcare and technology sectors, which the firm is recognised for.

Babraham, 06 September 2021: Babraham Bioscience Technologies Ltd, which manages and develops the Babraham Research Campus on behalf of its shareholders - BBSRC and the Babraham Institute – is now known as Babraham Research Campus Ltd.

The name change more clearly reflects the activity of the organisation and is also in response to the refreshed and ambitious vision for the Campus announced in May this year.

The UK Court of Appeal has reviewed the law on insufficiency and its application to claims with both structural and functional limitations. In doing so the court has explained how the concepts of plausibility and undue burden should be applied when assessing the sufficiency of claims of this type, in particular to the requirement that it must be possible to perform the invention across the breadth of the claim.

Germany has finally ratified the Unified Patent Court Agreement, its Constitutional Court having rejected two applications for a preliminary injunction to prevent ratification. This removes a significant hurdle to the commencement of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) system but that is not to say that it will start any time soon. The UPC preparatory committee, which consists of representatives the countries which signed the UPC Agreement back in 2013, estimates that the UPC will start operating in mid-2022.
