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Salary insights and trends from over 4,000 global professionals across STEM industries Wondering how your company’s salary offers compare to your competitors? Are you offering above, or below industry standards? Is your business as diverse, inclusive and fair as it should be? Or are you a STEM professional seeking to uncover salary trends and expectations for your role? The exclusive insights from our Global STEM report not only offers the answers you're looking for, but also empowers you to make informed decisions for your career or recruitment strategy. Download now to discover: Global…
Broken String Biosciences and the Francis Crick Institute collaborate to advance ALS research Partnership to expand applications of DNA break-mapping technology and advance understanding of genomic instability in development of the neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Cambridge and London, UK, 07 May 2024: Broken String Biosciences (“Broken String”), a genomics company driving development of the next generation of more precise, safe, and effective cell and gene therapies, today announced it has entered a research collaboration with the Francis Crick Institute, a world-…
  Innovative nanomedicine company, ViaNautis is the latest biotech to join the impressive line-up at Howard Group’s prestigious Unity Campus  Howard Group continues 2024 leasing success at its fast-growing South Cambridge life science and technology campus. Scale up biotech ViaNautis is the latest signing at Unity Campus.   Cambridge, 7th May 2024: Leading regional property investor and developer Howard Group, is delighted to announce  the latest new letting at its flagship science and technology hub Unity Campus in Cambridge, UK.…
Cushman & Wakefield has released its latest Life Sciences Lab Report on the UK's Golden Triangle. The Golden Triangle report looks closely at investment volumes, leasing take up, lab supply and pipeline, and investment into life sciences real estate across Cambridge, Oxford and London. Headlines: Q4 2023 Take-Up Statistics - Golden Triangle leasing activity totalled 169,000 sq ft in Q1 2024. - Whilst a step down from the 364,000 leased in Q4 2023, it remained 5% above the five-year quarterly average. Evolving Demand and Supply - There is 2.8 million sq ft of life sciences space…
11 installs successfully completed Novel platform automates and accelerates protein production, enabling scale-up to mg amount in less than 48 hours List of institutes includes, University College London, University of Cambridge, University of Southampton, University of Manchester, The Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) in Belgium, and the CRUK Cambridge Institute Cambridge, UK, 02 May 2024: Nuclera, the biotechnology company accelerating protein expression and purification workflows through its benchtop protein system, today announced it has successfully completed 11 installs of…
Read eNews for May, featuring: ✅ Welcome from Tony Jones, CEO, One Nucleus ✅ It's All About the Money ✅ Life Sciences Training Made Easy: Your New Sat Nav Guide! ✅ The Good Housekeeping Guide to Dealmaking ✅ What’s Coming Up with One Nucleus?     
 AMSBIO has launched an enhanced GMP-compliant version of its animal-origin-free, chemically defined StemFit™ iPSC expansion medium. StemFit™ Basic04 CT is designed to improve the growth and pluripotency of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and meet the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API). Offering superior iPSC performance, expansion, and maintenance of long-term genetic stability - StemFit™ Basic04 CT is optimized for single cell passaging, making it ideal for use in large-scale production of stem cells. The…
By Monalisa Breazu, Learning & Development Administrator, One Nucleus Building the best teams within the complex field of life sciences can frequently feel like venturing into unknown territory. To address this issue, One Nucleus has developed a Training Sat Nav for life sciences training. We recognise the importance our members place on developing their teams, but also recognise the challenges faced in identifying the right courses. In order to support One Nucleus members, and the wider sector in enabling their teams to develop and thrive, the Training Sat Nav tool will aid those…
Cambridge, UK, April 25, 2024, Abzena, the leading end-to-end integrated CDMO for complex biologics and bioconjugates, has announced the launch of its enhanced bioassay platform EpiScreen® 2.0, a comprehensive suite of assays that predict and evaluate potential risks of preclinical immunogenicity in protein, antibody, and gene therapy therapeutics. The next-generation tool provides a better immunogenic assessment that is highly sensitive, multi-parametric, and data-rich, which ultimately improves candidate selection and de-risks early-phase development. Abzena launched its first generation…
To help address logistical challenges and provide supply chain advice to the life science community, Biocair has launched a roadshow to deliver on-site support at a variety of science parks across the UK. The event series aims to support the vital role logistics plays in ensuring the safe, efficient transportation of invaluable life science materials. Biocair is facilitating this by meeting with industry representatives and providing a physical presence with this open, flexible approach to customer service. Taking place between January and June this year, the pop-ups allow Biocair’s experts…