
Conducted over 26 – 27 May 2020 as many countries around the world commenced publication of the plans to emerge from Covid-19 lock-down restrictions, including in terms of travel, One Nucleus surveyed a cross section of its members to ascertain their views on how and when their staff would resume business travel.


An experienced public and private company Non-Executive Director, Peter has sat on over 30 boards during his career. He is currently a Non-Executive Director of Endomagnetics Ltd, a company improving cancer surgery outcomes; and the medical charity LifeArc which has assets significantly in excess of £1bn following the monetisation of the leading cancer drug Keytruda.

Recently, Santander’s John Carroll hosted our COVID-19 Webinar Series on digital health. Joined by sector and trade experts Timothy Johns MBA, Head of Digital Health at the Department for International Trade (DIT), Intralink’s Graham Barker and ChongYoon Kwon, Industrial Bank of Korea. They discussed what they’d learnt from the pandemic and the opportunities emerging for UK digital health companies. To listen go to:

As businesses look ahead to evolve their operations, Santander UK recently hosted a life science sector webinar with our partner, British Centres for Business - BCB UAE to look at the opportunities in the UAE and the acceleration of digital health in the region.

The downside of working with many C Suite Executives is that I also get to see the effects that stress and burnout can take on people.

TWO businesses based in The Biosphere on Newcastle Helix have been awarded funding to accelerate their innovations to support the global fight against the COVID-19.

Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency has awarded ExplantLab and Atelerix almost £50,000 each to fast track their ideas and research. Both are based in The Biosphere and were among only 800 applicants chosen to receive a share of £40million government investment out of a record 8,600 applications from across the UK.

Cambridge, UK, 2nd June 2020 / Following the retirement of Tony Brampton, Eddy Littler has been appointed as non-executive Chairman of Domainex Ltd.

Biocair, a global specialist in life sciences logistics, was selected to transport time-critical plasmids from the USA to the Africa Health Research Institute (AHRI) in Durban, South Africa.

AHRI Faculty Member and Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin, Dr Alex Sigal, highlighted the importance of the materials being transported and the standard of service provided by Biocair:

Dual-qualified solicitor and Chartered Trade Mark Attorney, Chris Hoole, last month relocated to the Cambridge office of leading intellectual property firm Appleyard Lees.

Chris is looking forward to supporting existing and new clients in Cambridge, the UK and beyond, from his new home base.

Chris will continue his work to help build the national litigation and trade mark practices of Appleyard Lees, as the firm positions itself for further growth in years to come.
