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AMSBIO is a leading supplier of gold, silver and platinum coated substrates for nanotechnology researchers looking to use these surfaces to characterize self-assembled monolayers using atomic force microscopy (AFM), or scanning tunneling microscopy (STM).

Gold, silver and platinum surfaces offer a clean, near atomically-flat surface that is ideal for applications in nanotechnology, such as studies on self-assembly, single-molecule imaging, nano- or micro-contact printing, DNA origami, or nanophotonics.

Deposited under high vacuum (10-8 Torr) with 99.999% purity noble metal presents researchers with an atomically flat coated substrate that is free from oxygen, organics and other contaminants and consequently does not require cleaning prior to use.

Building on its expertise in surface science, AMSBIO's expanding range of noble metal coating services provides customized solutions in surface science for industrial and academic researchers.  These services now include physical vapor deposition using noble metals including gold, silver and platinum, surface patterning and functionalization and surface characterization.


For further information on noble metal substrate coating services please visit  or contact AMSBIO on +44-1235-828200 / +1-617-945-5033 /

Media Contact Information :

Dr Bill Bradbury                            
Primetek Solutions     
tel. +44-208-546-0869   