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Cambridge, UK, 25th February 2020 / Sciad Newswire / One Nucleus is pleased to announce the launch of  a new careers conference in Cambridge for students, employers and employees in the life sciences industry: “Building Life Science Adventures: A Conference on Creating the Best Careers and Teams.” The one-day event will be a chance to fill knowledge gaps and share best practice amongst academia and industry.

The conference will take place on Thursday 19th March 2020 from 09:00 - 16:00 at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. With an expert panel of speakers and specialists talks for both employees and employers, this event is not to be missed.

The conference was inspired by feedback from One Nucleus members on the challenges they face in recruiting and retaining the best staff. Students and postgrads say they are often unsure about how to get into the industry. To combat this, One Nucleus is launching a new conference around Careers and Development. Unlike a jobs fair, this event will be an opportunity for students, employers and employees to engage in a balanced discussion around the opportunities, needs, barriers and support for enabling employers to find the best people and for the best people to find the right opportunities.

Four sessions throughout the day will explore the following: 

Career Pathways: Progressing to Senior Lab and Non-Lab based Roles 
There is an apparent lack of awareness among students of the diversity of careers available in the Life Science industry. This session aims to address this issue by presenting the range of available options and what experience is key to employers. 

Work-based Learning  
Feedback from employers suggests that they prefer candidates with experience, and this has clearly influenced government policy. Whether apprenticeships, internships or graduate training schemes, there appears to be a mismatch between need and provision. What are the advantages and challenges of effective work-based learning and what makes a good internship? 

Creating a Good First and Lasting Impression  
Creating the right first impression has always been key, but so is communicating your personal or company ethos in order to ensure a successful fit. This session will discuss how to write a great CV to attract employers and how to write a great job advert to attract the best talent.

Funding & Resources 
Knowledge gaps and resources can often be a barrier to employers wanting to offer training and experience opportunities. Yet there are various support mechanisms available. How can employers make best use of the Apprenticeship Levy and what funding is available to support internships and mentorship to support students and employers?

To register or find out more information, please visit the event page.

Media Contact Information :

T’mia Fowler, Learning & Development Assistant
T: +44 (0)1223 896464