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Cambridge, UK, Oct 10 2018: Owlstone Medical (or the “Company”), a global diagnostics company developing a breathalyzer for applications in early disease detection and precision medicine, today announces the appointment of Dr. Richard A Yost to its Scientific Advisory Board.

Dr. Yost, Professor and Head of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Florida, is an internationally recognized leader in the field of analytical chemistry. He has particular expertise in tandem mass spectrometry and is the co-inventor of the triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, which today represents over $1 billion in sales each year.

His research has been recognized with the highest award in the field, receiving the 1993 ASMS Award for Distinguished Contribution in Mass Spectrometry, as well as the 2018 MSACL Award for Distinguished Contribution in Clinical Mass Spectrometry. He currently serves as the President of ASMS, the 7,000-member American Society for Mass Spectrometry.

Billy Boyle, co-founder and CEO at Owlstone Medical, commented: “Owlstone Medical has invested in building a world class mass spec capability as part of our Breath Biopsy® discovery offering. We make this available to our academic and pharma partners conducting breath VOC research in a range of applications. We are fortunate to now be able to benefit from Richard’s extraordinary mass spec and metabolomics expertise, and I am very pleased to welcome him to our SAB.”

Breath Biopsy Conference 2018 is Owlstone Medical's inaugural community meeting for breath researchers.

Media Contact Information :

Owlstone Medical

Chris Claxton, Head of Investor Relations


Media relations:

Sarah Jeffery, Zyme Communications
+44 (0)7771 730919