Just as when you sell a house you need all your ducks in a row when you hit the market, so too is preparation equally crucial for a tech start up seeking funding. Anyone looking to grow their business should attend the workshop, which will be delivered by Simon Portman, a Solicitor at Marks & Clerk. The workshop will cover:
• Good housekeeping and risk management.
• Team dynamics
• Contracts and legal matters
• Intellectual property strategy
• Pitfalls to avoid
When: Thursday 21st November
Time: This will depend on level of interest
• 5-7 delegates: 15.00 -17.30 in the meeting room
• 8+ delegates: 17.30 – 19:30 in the atrium of Stirling House
Please email Lucy at lucy@incubyte.biz to register your interest. She will communicate timing 1-2 weeks ahead of the event.