Queen Mary University of London Researchers discover new therapy for osteoarthritis!

Prof Dell’ Accio and Dr Suzanne Eldridge from Queen Mary University of London have discovered a new therapeutic treatment for osteochondral defects shown to regenerate the cartilage and provide rapid, long-term pain relief.

These findings have been published in Science of Translational Medicine https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/12/559/eaax9086 and featured widely in the media https://sciencetm.altmetric.com/details/89347825#score.

A patent application has also been filed for this opportunity. QMI is currently looking for partners to develop this technology further and progress into clinical trials.

Media Contact Information: 

Eleftheria Ledaki, Commercialisation Manager at Queen Mary Innovation, at e.ledaki@qmul.ac.uk