Audience |
Suitable for people in development, manufacturing, engineering or validation who may have no, or limited quality risk management experience or for those with experience but who wish to be updated with the latest application, particularly regarding science and risk based principles. |
Duration |
1 day |
Objectives |
By the end of the course you will be able to: |
Content |
Successful completion of this course provides the delegate with understanding of the principles of Quality Risk Management (QRM) and its practical application. The course is focused on ICH Q9 (QRM) and its support to ICH Q8 (Pharmaceutical Development), Q10 (Quality Systems) and Q11 (Drug Substance Development) along with its practical application in development, manufacturing, engineering and validation. |
Cost |
Non-Member - £695 + VAT |
Training provided by |
Date :
Venue and Location Information:
Reading, UK
Event Registration Link: