Aimed at scientists, IT managers, finance specialists, HR professionals and any other employees who write reports, proposals and business cases.
1 day
By the end of the course you will: • Be able to set a clear objective for your report • Understand how to target your readership • Be able to use a variety of thinking tools to organise your material before you start writing • Be familiar with a range of structures and know how to select the best one for your purpose • Be able to relate templates in use in your organisation to the structures discussed in the course • Have some guidelines for checking that your writing is readable and consistent • Know how to check thoroughly that your report is fit for purpose before you send it to anyone
This course is designed to provide a clear process for writing any report, with or without a template or required outline. The result is the ability to produce a better report and to make far better use of the time available.
• Defining the Brief • Who is going to read this report and what it is designed to tell them • How to structure reports: what information should go where • Use of templates • Summaries and Introductions • Planning Methods • Thinking techniques – how and when they may be useful • The SPACE Technique • A method for checking that writing is clear, concise and business-likeUse of the passive • Reviewing and Proofreading
Non-Member - £695 + VAT One Nucleus Member* – £556 + VAT
*Please email for the ON member discount code.
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