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Reading Scientific Services Ltd (RSSL) has received the MHRA-recognised Cogent Gold Standard approval for its Responsible Person (RP) training course. The announcement follows a rigorous 18-month process, during which RSSL successfully developed and mapped all of its course material against the Gold Standard requirements.

“We are exceptionally proud to gain this prestigious accreditation, which is widely regarded as the industry benchmark and currently secured by only a few training organisations. It’s the result of dedicated efforts by our team of experienced consultants to revise, enhance and extend our course content to ensure it reflects the very latest regulatory requirements and industry best practice.

“Importantly, our Cogent Gold Standard approval also provides delegates with the reassurance that the same high standard is guaranteed, regardless of whether they choose to attend the course on-line or face-to-face. By making careful adaptions to each delivery format, we ensure that the same opportunities are provided for learning, interaction and discussion - and are always led by our knowledgeable tutors. A guarantee that is particularly important given that concerns around Covid-19 and social-distancing are likely to be with for some time yet,” said Kasia Syzmaniec, head of RSSL training.

RSSL’s three-day course explores the legislation and licencing requirements applicable to the wholesale distribution of medicinal products across the supply chain and the complex role of the RP in relation to key aspects including; compliance, Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), quality management and Good Distribution Practice (GDP).

With cohort size intentionally limited to maximise engagement, delegates benefit from a range of valuable learning outcomes, as well as important practical skills to enhance their current or future career.

RSSL Cogent Gold Standard Approved RP online course is currently available to book for July, August and November. Plus, as part of its comprehensive support for the pharmaceutical supply chain industry, RSSL is also hosting monthly webinars designed to highlight key aspects of Good Distribution Practice in the sector.

To read more about RSSL's Responsible Person course please click here:…

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