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Following the recent announcement of the innovative mentoring initiative, called TechBuddy, run by Eastern AHSN and Cambridge Network to match up technology innovators in the region with people leading work in the NHS, the scheme is looking for applications from new, interested parties.

Bringing together strengths in healthcare and technology holds enormous promise for the nation’s health and wealth. There is still, however, huge scope for better understanding between technology companies and those leading work in the NHS.

The TechBuddy scheme is designed to help bridge this gap between the technology skills in our region and the needs of the NHS, with the aim of informally sharing knowledge and improving understanding for the benefit of patients. We are trying to create a neutral learning space so while there will be some time to test appetite for your innovations this isn’t a time for just pitching your products.

The Eastern region is a great place for thoughtful collaboration to happen: home to one of the biggest tech clusters in Europe, entrepreneurial companies sit alongside world leading hospitals and research organisations, creating an exciting climate for sharing perspectives, mutual learning and collaborations that have the potential to solve some of the most pressing healthcare needs. In order for technical advances to realise their potential they must not only meet the needs of patients, but also demonstrate value and be successfully incorporated into the NHS.

Piers Ricketts, CEO of Eastern AHSN, which was established to act as a change-agent/ broker relationship between industry, academia and the NHS commented; “The institutional challenges of getting disruptive innovations used in the NHS requires much greater understanding on both sides. This scheme is therefore being introduced at the perfect time. People with a blend of skills, who understand not only the intricacies of new health technologies but also healthcare delivery and service design, will be the leaders of the future.”

First the partners are looking to identify up to 15 enthusiastic leaders from technology businesses, who would be prepared to meet with up to three NHS leaders each, to share thinking on the current and future technology landscape. Meeting for an hour or so, three to five times a year, is envisaged, with travel and meeting expenses covered. The NHS can share insights on the challenges it is facing in exchange for insights on new technical thinking, for example in Artificial Intelligence or Blockchain or … whatever your subject is.

To express an interest in the scheme please contact saying in 100-200 words why you would like to be considered, or if you have questions please ask Helen to give you a call to discuss. Those who have already expressed an interest will be hearing soon about the next event date.

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