Un-creative thinking is learned. The question is, can we unlearn it? In this interactive, marketing-focused workshop, Creativity Director Chloe Ambrose will explore why we need to invest in creative thinking and where we can get started.
With 70% of employers saying creative thinking was the most in demand skill in 2024, creativity is clearly going to be what keeps organisations in the game. Knowing what makes a ‘good idea’, however, is becoming harder to distinguish - with much marketing and advertising offending their audience or failing their goals. Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity also shared that 43% of creatives find making a case for creativity very challenging, hindering brands from embracing more originality.
So, how can we unblock creative thought and foster better ideas? Join us to learn practical techniques for revitalising creativity in yourself and in your team, while getting a taste of Chloe’s wider services of steering the creativity of brands and replenishing the creativity of marketers.
Who is this workshop for?
💡 Marketing and communication professionals.
💡 Organisations who prioritise innovation.
💡 Business owners looking for new ideas.
💡 Anyone keen to embrace more originality.
About Chloe: See Chloe's profile on LinkedIn.
The Turing Locke Hotel, 47 Eddington Avenue, Cambridge CB3 1SE