Viral vectors have taken a striking importance in the current biomanufacturing landscape, with the unprecedented global need for viral particles creating significant capacity and productivity challenges.
Join our educational webinar and learn how recent innovation can help you to significantly push the boundaries of viral vectors productivity and quality.
Discover how recent innovation in areas such as cells, media and transfection agents can boost and standardise your process, as illustrated by our lentiviral case study. Get updates about recent innovations in both benchtop and production scale bioreactors, significantly impacting data transfer and manufacturing footprint alike.
Lastly, in the challenging context of purifying active vectors whilst removing high amounts of contaminants, find out about disruptive affinity approaches and purpose-designed analytics to support next-generation downstream process development.
Key topics
• Scalable plasmid manufacturing in single-use format
• LV Max™ technology for lentiviral production
• Next-generation benchtop controllers: the power of a
Distributed Control System for R&D
• Next-generation single-use bioreactors
• Viral vectors scalable affinity purification
• Residual DNA testing for HEK host cells
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