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Being given choice sometimes makes things more challenging to manage. Pre-Covid-19 we were all busily undertaking our work in a broadly consistent manner. Lockdowns did not provide choice, it forced everyone to be virtual for all but essential tasks – a lot of adapting and learning, but mostly we all managed to pivot and we were all in the same position. Emerging from the pandemic we get to choose whether to be virtual or in-person. Consistent feedback suggests most will look to keep some of the virtual world elements learned, whilst recapturing some of what has been impossible for well over a year. Experimenting with hybrid working patterns and events, we may find for a while there feels less time to take stock of what is going on around us and are we making the most of it.

With the above in mind, the One Nucleus Team have been considering how we can most efficiently keep you informed of opportunities and activities, as well as illustrating how members can utilise the membership fully by summarising what we have been up to over recent months. 


You may have seen from our short ‘About Us’ video or the Annual Review how we support, inform and connect our members as they seek to use their knowledge and expertise to develop better outcomes for patients from the innovation they create. Whether to collaborators, advisors or customers, the One Nucleus goal is to facilitate members’ connectivity and success around the World. 

Stay in Touch:

To keep you informed you may notice a change in the mailing schedule from One Nucleus. Monthly, you will still see:

  • eNews – bringing you the monthly summary of what’s coming up, recent highlights, articles from members and available discounts.
  • People Pathways – all the latest information from our Learning & Development team including Employer of Choice sessions, Training Courses, key appointments and vacancies at our members and insightful articles on the ‘People’ theme.
  • Dates for Your Diary – a consolidated opportunity to mark your calendar and reserve your place at our upcoming One Nucleus events and those offered by industry collaborators.
  • BioWednesday invitation – the cornerstone of our networking events over the past 20 years, we feel deserves a mailer all of its own.


How have members engaged?

In this inaugural One Nucleus Member Update, we will summarise some of the activities delivered over the past six months in order to highlight how you and your peers have been engaging with our support, knowledge-sharing and connectivity.


For any business membership organisation, the opportunity to meet and network is a key benefit since it is the mechanism to harness the energy such an enriched group of like-minded members creates, as the genesis of new ideas, collaborations and deals gets triggered. The first half of 2021 has seen One Nucleus deliver nearly fifty events with members, some larger than others and collectively covering topics around innovation support, networking, the people factor, training courses and more technical webinars. The breakdown of the events can be illustrated as follows:

Of course, networking in the virtual world is not the same as the face-to-face serendipitous activity we were used to. We can’t wait to get back! That said, the ‘My Question is ….’ networking lunches have been well-received by those attending; sharing of data and insight has been excellent and we have managed to leverage being online to engage more international speakers and 1-2-1 partnering at our and collaborator conferences which has been enabled online. Looking forward our intention will be to certainly get back to face-to-face networking opportunities, but equally to retain some of the benefits of the online event space. Many indicate they would prefer a mix of physical, in-person events and online sessions to attend – a balance of zooming and mingling appears to be the desire provided we manage to get that ‘Zooming’ balance correct by attaching the right content to the right format.


One of the benefits of online events is the ability to create a recorded archive for future viewing, reference and insight. One Nucleus hosts a range of content produced with our members which is available to members via the website. An excellent, and growing knowledge bank is the result.  The library is available via the On-Demand page of the website, categorised by area of interest as follows:






Member Savings:

There are many benefits of being part of a membership organisation, not least the leverage critical mass can bring in terms of savings. One Nucleus runs the oldest Life Science Purchasing Scheme in the UK. In the first quarter of this year alone, Gold members spent nearly £1.7M through our Preferred Suppliers, saving a huge £1.1M against the list price of those products. This year we have expanded the range of Preferred Suppliers, now totalling ten, to include deals on certified Covid-19 testing, science literature services and energy. The savings available are not just for Gold members, however. As set out in the following table, Silver members can also benefit from significant savings on some of the Preferred Suppliers, the M2M Marketplace and on third party conferences such as BioEurope Spring, BioIntegrates, BioTrinity, BIO Convention, BioPharm America and BioEurope. Adding these to the complimentary digital pass each member company receives for the annual ON Helix and Genesis conferences and it is easy to see how the savings can often more than repay the membership fee paid initially.

Who’s looking at you?

Whilst searching for the next R&D partner, investor, customer or indeed employee, it is all too easy to focus on who you are looking for and forget that others may be looking for you. In addition to the One Nucleus events, Annual Review, Online Directory and partnering conferences, One Nucleus members are able to leverage our website to enhance their profile by posting your own News, Jobs and Events. The first half of 2021 has been a busy time for members with 750 such postings across these three categories as illustrated. Add to this that members can post news items to our LinkedIn Group and tag us into any Twitter posts if they like us to amplify their reach and we do provide an excellent platform to ensure that members can be seen.

And finally…

There is much more that could be said about our Facilities Management support, our careers conference, ON Helix Digital 2021 and plans for Autumn/Winter 2021 which include our first Regional Life Sciences Dinner, Genesis 2021, working with our new Partners and discounts at EBD Group events. I could go on here but feel it may be better to save some areas for the next edition and encourage you to watch out for the monthly publications listed above, check our website frequently and don’t be shy – do come and talk to us!

Best wishes,

The One Nucleus Team