
Guest blog post by Dr. Panteli Theocharous, Global Vice President, Cell and Gene Therapy Strategic Lead, Thermo Fisher Scientific

A recent blog post from AMSBIO introduces a selection of the ‘green products’ it offers to life science researchers looking to maintain rigorous scientific standards in their lab whilst also trying to minimize environmental impact.

Laboratories are known to consume a significant amount of energy and produce a considerable amount of waste. However, with the increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability, many life sciences labs are taking steps towards prioritizing sustainable products and practices.


Guest Blog: Ahead of BioBeat23, Miranda Weston-Smith, BioBeat founder, talks to Alisa Molotova, Investment Manager at Martlet and co-organiser of BioBeat23 about her investment journey.

Miranda: It’s a total pleasure working with you on BioBeat23: Out of adversity comes opportunity on 18 May at the Cambridge Union.  I’m curious to know, how did you get into biotech investing?

There is no doubt that AI is a revolution underway, not just in healthcare, but across a broad range of industries.  Although, continuing improvements in technology capabilities, such as computing power, and access to data are creating more opportunities for the application of AI in the drug discovery process, Pharma still lags behind other industries for AI adoption.

Global life expectancy at birth increased from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.3 years compared to 2019, and healthy life expectancy at birth increased from 58.3 years to 63.7 years. However, the pandemic has had a detrimental impact on life expectancy and healthy life expectancy and global inequalities remain a challenge. [World Health Statistics 2022, WHO]

We had a great time at the Bradfield Centre, Cambridge Science Park at our BioWednesday on 1 February in collaboration with Appleyard Lees IP LLP discussing 'How do Investors and Entrepreneurs Evaluate Intellectual Property?' 50 delegates joined to listen to the discussion and to enjoy some informal networking afterwards. Many thanks to our moderator Edward Rainsford, Appleyard Lees and our expert panellists: Alison McGhee, AstraZeneca; Mike Romanos, Imperial College London; Anne Horgan (nee Nguyen), Cambridge Innovation Capital and Iain Thomas, Cambridge Enterprise.

Our Annual Review is a highly anticipated review of the year including a narrative on One Nucleus services, relevant articles and adverts for the Cambridge Life Science ecosystem as well as our member listing. You can join our influential sponsors by taking out an A4 advert for a great profiling opportunity for your organisation.

The idea of the advert is to showcase your company to our other members and wider network. The recipient profile is similar to the profile for all our activities and membership profile, as illustrated below:

Guest blog by Estelle Roger, Precision for Medicine

Guest Blog Post by Sura Hussein, Senior Business Development Manager, London & Partners

Reflecting on the fabulous One Nucleus event last week #Genesis2022 I wanted to share some notes on the panel discussing the key ingredients for a successful Life sciences cluster.

The stage was an upbeat debate with the playful title which was Cambridge UK vs Cambridge MA / USA.
