Skip to main content General Information. Public Health England. Porton Down. SP4 0JG Salisbury. United Kingdom. . Founded 2013. 5000 employees (worldwide) . . Public Health England is the national agency for protecting and improving the nation’s health and wellbeing and tackling health inequalities so that the poorest and most poorly benefit most. . . PHE will provide professional, scientific and delivery expertise to support both local authorities and NHS organisations to promote improvements in protecting and improving the nation’s health and wellbeing. . . It will do this through advocacy; application of knowledge, evidence and insight; transparent reporting of outcomes; delivery of a nationwide health protection service; and nurturing of the public health system and workforce. . . As a new Executive Agency of the UK Department of Health, Public Health England combines the specialist microbiology, diagnostics, research, manufacturing and emergency preparedness and response capabilities of the former Health Protection Agency with expertise in cancer and other aspects of health improvement and intelligence.. Public Health England will be the authoritative national voice and expert service provider for public health and will continue to work with academic, government and commercial partners to research, develop and evaluate new healthcare interventions. . Biotechnology - Therapeutics and Diagnostics. Other. Anti-infectives. Antibodies. Biosimilars. Cell therapy. Drug delivery. Gene therapy. Diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs; immune disorders. . Summary . Responsible for; . leading England’s field epidemiology service. leading Public Health England’s emergency preparedness, resilience and response capabilities. leading England’s health protection service and providing specified services for the devolved administrations. providing expert advice to inform government policy on immunisation programmes. National leadership of the immunisation programme, infectious disease public health and the pandemic flu preparedness response. supporting the development and delivery of high-quality, effective, evidence- based prevention programmes. using new technologies, including digital and social media, to engage and empower individuals, communities and our partners about health and wellbeing. building capacity in areas where we want to make swift progress - including public mental health, population healthcare, accidents injuries and violence. working with diverse partners to encourage settings-based approaches to health and wellbeing, in addition to promoting health across the lifespan. integrating insights from behavioural science to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and acceptability of our programmes. . Partnering strategy/collaborations. Engaging with organisations where the outcome will have the potential for much improved health economics. Global challenges and opportunities. Opportunities to influence health and wellbeing at the population level – health marketing, vaccination, infection control, environment. Technology tools: diagnostics, modelling, personalised medicine, psychosocial marketing, big data, e-learning, vaccines, omics. Looking to work with organisations where the outcome will lead to:. . Economic value of intellectual property. Speciality GMP manufacture. Process development. In vivo and in vitro models and assays. Epidemiology. Serology. Speciality drug discovery. Ability to work with infectious agents. Culture collections and cell culture services. Evaluation of kits, equipment, decontamination protocols. Development of new diagnostics. . Client portfolio. looking to work with SMEs Acedima and large multinational companies on potential benificial programes for the improvement of Health and wellbeing of the population. . Corporate Highlights. . FDA approval for Erwinase Nov 2012. Major US contract with Nanobio.
The United Kingdom Science Park Association has been supporting science park development since 1984, and now has around 80 science parks, technology parks and innovation-led incubators in membership. Our Members accommodate over 3000 companies who employ around 70,000 highly qualified staff, and turnover in the region of £5.5 bn pa. The Association organises three membership events each year and periodic annual conferences, and supports its membership by ensuring communication between parks is effective, as well as lobbying on behalf of our members and their tenant companies. UKSPA produces a range of information services, such as a monthly e-newsletter and a quarterly magazine.
Extraordinary advances in the life sciences have great potential to improve our quality of life through better medicines and a cleaner environment. Biochemical Engineering provides the foundations for translating such exciting new discoveries into products and processes for improved health and wealth creation. . . At UCL, we offer education for undergraduates, postgraduates and industry professionals in our top-ranked department. Staff are engaged in cutting-edge research, both within the Department and as part of a number of European and international collaborations. In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise 75% of Academic Staff were rated as World Leading or Internationally Excellent.
We provide an informed entry point into the University for companies, and can help potential partners define their interests, find the appropriate academic expertise, and identify opportunities for collaboration. We support the development of relationships between academics and industry, whether these are major multi-faceted collaborations with global companies or simply finding experts for specific one-off projects.. . RSD can identify opportunities for collaboration between business and academics and negotiate research contracts in exciting interdisciplinary areas, such as computational biology, nanoscience, energy and the environment.. . We work closely with University Departments that offer licences for intellectual property, graduate recruitment and executive education.. . We also coordinate the Corporate Liaison Programme, which enables companies to work with the University of Cambridge.. . Our team of Partnership Development Managers helps companies to navigate the University and build mutually beneficial relationships. For more information on working with the University in specialist industry sectors, email Dr Karen Smith or Mr Richard Reschen
Essex is the number two university in the UK for the number of Innovate UK-funded projects, and ranks as the leading university in the East of England and London for leveraging R&D grant funding, to collaborate with businesses helping them to drive innovation, improve productivity and ultimately grow.

The university has expertise in the research areas of protein structure and the mechanisms of disease working to establish the link between structure and the physiological function of proteins with research spanning from individual atoms and isolated molecules to cellular biology approaches including pre-clinical models of cancer and immunology. Further fields of expertise are in genetics and computational biology with particular strengths in epigenetics and chromatin structure.
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ValiRx Plc is a biopharmaceutical company developing novel technologies and products in oncology therapeutics and diagnostics. The product focus is in the epigenomic analysis and treatment of cancer, but the technologies can be applied to other fields as well, such as neurology and inflammatory diseases.. . The ValiRx management team comprises a mix of entrepreneurial scientists who are founders of a number of medical life sciences companies and industry-specific personnel, all with extensive experience in transferring technologies and products into the commercial arena to generate revenue and growth of shareholder value.
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VasoDynamics is a Stevenage and London based, clinical-stage pharmaceutical development company. We are solely focused on developing patient-friendly, cost-effective medicines to prevent the severe side-effects induced by anticancer therapies. Our programmes are designed to prevent the common complications of cancer therapy, including mouth ulceration, dermatitis, and (permanent) hair-loss. Our philosophy is to generate affordable medicines that enable cancer patients to tolerate widely used anticancer therapies, with the dual purpose of enhancing the efficacy of anti-cancer therapy and improving patients’ quality of life with cancer, without painful, traumatic or debilitating side-effects.
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