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Inivata is a clinical cancer genomics company harnessing the potential of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) analysis to improve cancer testing and treatment.. . Inivata works with leaders in industry and academic research to develop new clinical applications for ctDNA analysis which will bring real benefits to physicians, patients, pharmaceutical companies and payers. Inivata’s goal is to provide physicians with the information they need, to provide the best outcomes for patients and effective design for clinical trials.. . Inivata is based in Cambridge, UK and its scientific founders are leading figures in the ctDNA field: Nitzan Rosenfeld (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge), Tim Forshew (UCL Cancer Institute, University College London), James Brenton (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge) and Davina Gale (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge).. . The Company has a comprehensive understanding of cancer genomics and circulating DNA. It is applying its enhanced TAm-Seq approach and cutting-edge technologies to address critical clinical decision points in cancer care and cancer drug development, alongside pharmaceutical partners, leading clinicians and academic groups.
GB Innomech excels at developing and producing innovative electro-mechanical prototypes, batch production and flexible automated manufacturing systems.. With over 20 years' experience producing equipment for customers from many industrial sectors, our committed team has skills in production, engineering and design with air-conditioned workshop, machining and fabrication facilities. In addition to our bespoke systems, we provide a repeat build service for small volume, high value products which we can install, train and service throughout the world. Our risk-based approach, where we undertake risk assessments throughout the project, has led to a strong reputation for providing innovative solutions within regulated environments.
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IONTAS is a privately owned, profitable, biotechnology company, offering services and technologies to the global biotechnology community. Our expertise focuses on phage display and technologies for therapeutic antibody discovery. IONTAS scientific staff have been at the forefront of phage display technology, mammalian display and generating antibodies against ion channels
Stabilitech has developed a proprietary technology for stabilisation of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals, removing the need for refrigeration.. . Stabilitech started research in late 2004, and received its first significant funding in 2007, from business angels. . Stabilitech has developed a novel proprietary technology which stabilizes vaccines (including live viruses, inactivated viruses and subunit vaccines), biopharmaceuticals (including antibodies, enzymes, growth factors etc) and other biological products. . Stabilitech is based in the Imperial College incubator, and currently has 5 employees.
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Isogenica partners with leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the early-stage discovery of novel biopharmaceuticals. . . Isogenica’s partners can access a range of innovative, highly-diverse, antibody libraries as an excellent starting point for new biotherapeutic development programmes.. . All the company’s libraries are fully synthetic, designed using state-of-the-art principles and built using the company’s highly precise Colibra oligonucletotide contruction technology. The combination of advanced design and accurate synthetic build technology minimises immunological biases, inevitable when using in vivo systems, and optimises the chances of generating high-affinity and developable drug candidates at the outset.. . The company’s proprietary antibody libraries are complemented with the option to use a proprietary in vitro antibody display system (CIS Display) which maintains the high diversity of the library through the discovery process. CIS Display is also available for licensing as a standalone technology.. . Isogenica currently has a range of camelid single domain antibody (VHH) libraries, and a range of human antibody fragment libraries. The company continues to innovate in the design and construction of new, advanced antibody libraries.
Isomerase is a synthetic biology and bioprocess innovation partner helping companies develop new products or processes through harnessing bacteria and fungi to discover and produce native or novel molecules sustainably, cost effectively and at scale. We engineer microbial strains, develop then improve production processes using upstream and downstream process development at our bioprocess facility and help partners tech transfer their process to scale. The three main products we work on are:
(1) Natural Products - we help partners to access and work with rare and hard-to-source natural products and producing strains, to produce novel analogues of microbial natural products and to scale-up their production.
(2) Recombinant Peptides – working in E. coli or Pichia we can develop scalable manufacturing processes designed to compete economically with synthetic processes, especially at scale.
(3) Biocatalytic Enzymes - we support the discovery and production of microbial enzymes for manufacture in our proprietary E. coli or Pichia systems and help to produce them at laboratory and pilot scale, to generate robust processes for their production and to tech transfer these processes to CDMOs enabling phase-appropriate larger scale manufacture.
Isomerase operates B2B with companies wanting to benefit from our microbial expertise to generate value in their products and progress their processes toward commercialisation. Isomerase has worked with companies throughout Europe and North America, ranging in size from two-person virtual operations to multinational companies serving a range of industries including pharmaceutical, diagnostic, agritech, consumer goods and functional materials.

We are one of the largest UK and European Patent and Trade Mark Attorney firms, with offices in London, Oxford, Cambridge, Paris and Munich. The breadth and depth of our technical knowledge relevant to patents is outstanding, with over 70 science and technology graduates in the firm including over 35 PhDs. No area of science or technology is outside our scope. Our trade marks team comprises senior professionals with backgrounds in major international law firms. The team has the expertise and resources to handle any trade marks matter. . . . We draft, file and prosecute patent and trade mark applications in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. We handle patent oppositions and appeals within Europe, especially before the European Patent Office (EPO), and we can act to protect your patents throughout the world. We assist with cases before the UK Patents Courts and provide expert support for high-profile patent litigation in the UK and elsewhere. We advise on trade mark selection and strategy and we file, defend and oppose trade mark applications in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world. We can obtain global protection for your trade marks through international applications before the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and by instructing filing and prosecution programmes worldwide. We handle all aspects of design protection in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.